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Features | Caracteristicas
Best choice, safety and quality. official dealer!
Prices in BRL are only for Brazilians and Russians, if you are from another country use prices in dollars!
BR: Lembrem-se o shack eft tem config para selecionar somente os melhores itens e você pode adicionar/remover de acordo com seu gosto, veja no discord privado!
US: Remember shack eft has a config to select only the best items and you can add/remove according to your taste, see in private discord!
We present to your attention SHACK is one of the slot closed private cheats for Escape From Tarkov with a minimum chance of detection. Spoofer included in cheat.
Supported processors: Intel & AMD
Supported OS: Windows 10 & 11
2D box.
Head Circle.
Line distance.
View bar.
Distance check.
Player level.
Aim check.
Colors for the features.
Player Filter
Maximum Distance.
Colors of each ESP.
Weapon slot.
Font Color.
Esp font size.
Item Name.
Distance from the item.
Distance check.
Esp container
Item Filter
Item Class.
Maximum item distance.
Container esp.
Font Color.
Esp font size.
Item filter based on category.
Color filter based on category
itens in container
Draw Crosshair.
Draw FOV.
Misc filter
Crosshair color.
FOV color.
FOV Size.
Crosshair Size.
Enables / Disables Aimbot.
Aimbot Key.
Maximum distance.
Aimbot filter
Aimbot Bone.
FOV color.
Recoil control.
Breath control.
Infinite Stamina

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