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Complete cheat for rust, by collapse

Esp Version

Full Version

This is br/ru local prices, for global keys:

GLOBAL Only ESP: 7$ / 17$ / 35$

GLOBAL Aim + ESP: 12$ / 40$ / 80$

  • Game Version | Game version: Steam last

  • Supported OS only x64 | Supported OS x64 only: Windows 10 (version 1903,1909,2004,20H2)

  • Supported processors | Supports Processors: Intel, AMD

  • Supported Modes | Supported Modes: Windowed

  • Anticheat | Anti-cheat: EAC

Functional | Functional:



Player ESP - Player Lights

Bot ESP Active - Bot Highlight

Player Sleeper ESP - Illumination of sleeping Players

Player Box - Illumination of the players box

Player Skeleton - Illuminated by the skeleton of Players

Player Health - Highlighting the health of Players

Player Nickname - Highlighting the nickname of the Players

Player Distance - Highlighting distance to Players

Player Weapon - Illumination of weapons in the hands of Players

Player ESP distance (0-400) - Select the highlight of the Players


Crate ESP - Highlighting Loot Chests

Crate Name - Name of loot chests

Crate Distance - Distance of loot chests

Crate ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance for highlighting chests with loot


Dropped Items ESP - Highlight items lying on the floor

Dropped Items Name - Name of items lying on the floor

Dropped Items Distance - Distance of items lying on the floor

Dropped Items ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance of the illumination of items lying on the floor


Cupboard ESP - Cabinet Lighting

Cupboard Name - Cupboard Name

Cupboard Distance - Distance to Cupboards

Cupboard ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance of Cupboard illumination


Turrets ESP - Turret Lights

Turrets Name - Turret name

Turrets Distance - Distance to turrets

Turrets ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance of the turret illumination


Collectible ESP - Highlight Rare Ore

Collectible Name - Name of a rare ore

Collectible Distance - Distance to rare ore

Collectible ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance to highlight rare ore


Copters ESP - Helicopter Lights

Copters Name - The name of the helicopters

Copters Distance - Distance to helicopters

Copters ESP distance (0-400) - Choice of distance for helicopter illumination


Ore ESP - Ore Highlight

Ore Name - Ore name

Ore Distance - Distance to ore

Ore ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance for highlighting ore


Stash ESP - Stash Highlight

Stash Name - Stash name

Stash Distance - Distance to stash

Stash ESP distance (0-400) - Select distance for stash illumination


Radtown loot ESP - Illumination of the box of the killed

Radtown loot Name - The name of the box of the killed

Radtown loot Distance - Distance to the box of the killed

Radtown loot ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance of illumination of the killed box


AirDrop ESP - Highlighting loot from the air

AirDrop Name - Air drop name

AirDrop Distance - Distance to loot from the air

AirDrop ESP distance (0-400) - Selection of distance for illumination of loot from the air


Aimbot Active - Enable aimbot

Aimbot Visible check - check for visibility

Aimbot Bind - select the aimbot trigger button (Rmouse, Lmouse, Shift)

Aimbot Bone - select a part of the aimbot aiming body (Head / Neck / Body)

Aimbot ignore team - Ignore teammates for aimbot

Aimbot FOV (modification slider) - Aimbot aiming radius

Aimbot Smoothing (modification slider) - Aimbot aiming smoothness

Aimbot Distance (modification slider) - Aimbot distance


Draw Fov - Show the focusing radius

Draw Crosshair - Crosshair centered on screen

Spiderman - Climb Walls

Debug Camera - (F6 - Camera Activation | W / A / S / D - fly forward / left / backward / right + shift acceleration | Ctrl / Shift - up / down)

Swim On Land - Swim on Air (F5 - Activate)

Roll Building - Rotate buildings (On key "R" when with the construction plan)

Mount Roll - Removes restrictions on camera movement when you are sitting somewhere

Always Day - Always day on the map

AntiAim (BETA) - Spinner complicates the task for the enemy with a cheat (BETA VERSION)

Long Neck - Long neck (visually increases the height of the player for himself, you can kill the enemy without seeing you for him)

Rcs - Weapon Recoil Control

Minimize Spread (TEST) - Minimum spread

Automatic - Make all weapons automatic

Skinchanger - Change default skins to colored

Super Eoka - 1 Shot Eoka

Super Melee - Increases the radius of hit with melee weapons as well if hitting near the enemy will hit him


Full Player ESP Colors Modification - Changes to player highlight colors

Full Bot ESP Colors Modification - Changes bot colors

Full Resource ESP Colors Modification - Changes to resource highlight colors

Full Misc Draw Colors Modification - Changes to the colors of the backlight and crosshair

Attention, after purchasing the key, you cannot return it!

Functions can be changed, added, removed. Also, some functions can be removed for a while.

* When buying a cheat, you should understand that the use of this software is at your own peril and risk, the possibility of a ban or detection of a cheat for such a game sometimes happens

Video / Photo

We don't currently have a video.

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