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Features | Caracteristicas
AIM-Activate the aimbot function;
AIM Key-Select the aim button (SHIFT, CAPS, Left Mouse button, Right mouse button, X, F);
FOV - Size of the hover circle (can be adjusted during the game using the + and-keys);
No FOV-Disable displaying the fov circle;
ESP Player
ESP Name-Shows the names of enemies.
ESP HP-Shows the number of enemy lives.
Distance-Shows the distance to enemies and objects.
Line-Shows the line to enemies and AirDrop.
Skeleton-Shows players as skeletons;
ESP Box-Shows players in a rectangle.
Tree - Shows the trees.
Bush-Shows plants.
Mineral-Shows the ore.
Chest-Shows chests.
MISC [Miscellaneous]
Speedhack-Speed up all actions in the game by 21%;
AttackSpeed-Attack Speed Boost (works only on melee weapons);
AxeSpeed-Significantly speeds up the movement of the character if he has a two-handed axe in his hands;
AntiScreenshot-Disables the ability to take screenshots of the cheat.

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