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Arma SKR

Features | Caracteristicas

System requirements:

Any processor
Windows 10 1903/1909/2004 / 20H2 / 21H1


Aiming Assistant
Enable - Enable aiming
Field of view - The radius of the aimbot
On Key - Button to activate the aimbot

2D Box - Boxes
Skeleton - Skeletons
Distance - Distance to players
Name - Name
Weapon - Weapon
Health - Health
Color Picker - Color Picker

No spread - Anti spread
No recoil - Anti-recoil
Menu key - Menu activation key

Attention, after purchasing the key, it is no longer possible to return it!

Functions can be changed, added, removed. Also, some functions can be removed for a while.

* When buying a cheat, you should understand that the use of this software is at your own peril and risk, the possibility of a ban or detection of a cheat for such a game sometimes happens

Attention, due to the fact that in this case many dangerous functions are collected, once the reader may show up or the developer stops supporting him, assess this risk before buying, we will not be able to return the funds to you.


Arma SKR
Arma SKR



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